About Our Company

Somalia has the longest coastline along the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean. The coastlines of Somalia are blessed with abundant fish species including various species of demersal fish (snappers, groupers, emperors, goatfish, grunts, lizardfish, seabream, jacks and scads), pelagic small and big fish (sardines, herrings, anchovies, billfish, tuna, mackerel and dolphin fish), sharks and rays as well as invertebrates such as shrimp, prawns, lobsters, squid and cuttlefish.

The Company intended to locate in Bossaso, Puntland State, Somalia in the north east of Africa, adjacent to the Arabian Peninsula, Somalia geographically lies in a very advantageous region, bordering the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

Somfood Ltd establishes in Somalia with an extensive objectives and supply the premium quality fish and its products in accordance with the structure International Health Organisations and Standards (HACCP) in the African Continent as well as Middle East, Asia and Europe.

The Somfoods company will be a modern technologised Fishing Company owned by highly qualified business partners with proven track records in various business fields all over Africa and Middle East.

The Company project is designed and well studied by various professionals. The study result shows high importance of such fish plant and thus we form Somfood Ltd.

Our Vision

  • The main project objective is to utilize, more economically, the abundantly available fishery resources.
  • To be one of the leading one-stop Company in all types of fish products and supplies all over African, Middle East, Asian and European continents.
  • Diversified Industrial Base - As part of the long-term objective, the promoters, with the support of the associates, national & international agencies, intend to create a diversified industrial base for Somalia, which will be used primarily for other industries such as animal husbandry, agriculture and frankincense production.

Our Mission

  • Our mission is to build long term relationships with our customers.
  • Pursuing business through innovation and advanced technology in accordance with the highest ethical standards with excellence and always act as a socially responsible corporate business.
  • Ensure a work team of highly competent and skilled individuals.