Cold Storage

The Company will keep different different storage places for each fish units in order to assure the quality and easy for delivery.

The International Institute of Refrigeration recommends a storage temperature of -18°C for lean fish such as cod and haddock and -24°C for fatty species such as herring and mackerel. A production cold store is usually a part of the fish processing plant for storing frozen finished products.

The purpose of cold storage

  • The spoilage of fish flesh resulting from the action of enzymes and bacteria can be slowed down by lowering the temperature.
  • When fresh raw material is properly frozen and then kept at a sufficiently low temperature, spoilage can be almost entirely stopped.
  • Some deterioration of the frozen product takes place during cold storage, but the changes are so small under the right conditions that to the ordinary consumer the thawed product is indistinguishable from fresh after many months in store.
  • Generally speaking, the lower the holding temperature, the longer is the period of safe keeping; hence temperature of storage is the most important single factor affecting the storage life of frozen fish.